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Recognized by Customers Again! Feiliks was Honored with Geely Automobile’s “Outstanding Collaboration Award”

In February 2024, Feiliks was awarded the “2023 Outstanding Collaboration Award” by Geely Automobile Group, which is a recognition and praise for Feiliks’s ability to help customers achieve lean efficiency and supply chain service excellence in 2023.

In 2023, Feiliks maintained close collaboration with the customers, coordinated the production plans of the customer’s suppliers and assembly plants actively to ensure stable production of the assembly plants; and, it formulated time-optimized and cost-reasonable transport solutions, and actively responded to the emergency transport arrangements of the customer and its upstream and downstream due to the adjustments in the production capacity planning, to ensure that the materials could arrive in time to protect the customer’s production without interruption.

With its rich supply chain management experience and efficient service capability in the automotive industry, Feiliks has won the trust and praise of customers in the industry time and again. Feiliks will always take customer satisfaction as the driving force to move forward, and work together with customers in the automotive industry to innovate and move forward.

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